The King's (The Cathedral) School


The only house not named after a Saint. School House is the former house of the old boarding boys (the old Boarding House is now the Music Department), green is the colour.

Their war cry


The School House Captains 2024-25

Captains Ayo Ogunyoye
Seb Ponte Perez
Vice-Captains Erin Bliss
Mark Dall
Hana Ijioma
Tilly Stephens-Smith
House Staff Miss F Chantrell (Head of House)
Mr G Gunn (Head of House)

Mrs C Calver
Mrs K Clarke
Mrs N Collins
Mrs K Docherty
Mr S Fox
Mr C Gamblin
Mr J Goodwin
Mrs S Gray
Mrs E Hansen
Miss K Henson
Mrs S Johnson
Mrs J Jones
Mr A Mandin
Mrs R McTavish
Mrs C Palmer
Mrs A Svoboda
Mrs G Walker
Mrs M Warner-Bradshaw
Miss C Warnes
Miss H White
Miss R Wiles