What is the basis for our approach to Teaching and Learning?
Outstanding teaching and Learning at The King’s School is built upon the foundations of Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction which combine three distinct research areas,
- cognitive science;
- the classroom practices of effective teachers;
- cognitive support.
and how they complement each other by addressing how:
- people learn and acquire new information;
- master teachers implement effective classroom strategies;
- teachers support students whilst learning complex material.
We believe these principles to be an effective framework for all aspects of our curriculum: from sequencing the intent of subject curriculums, through to implementation in the classroom and proving pupil progress.
Therefore, lessons at The School reflect the following 10 Principles:
- Daily Review
- Present new material using small steps
- Ask Questions
- Provide Models
- Guide Student Practice
- Check for Student Understanding
- Obtain a High Success Rate
- Provide Scaffolds for Difficult Tasks
- Independent Practice
- Weekly and Monthly Review
Tom Sherrington is well known for his work on Rosenshine and has collected the 10 principles into four strands:
How do we share good practice and develop reflective practitioners?
The focus of The School’s CPD programme is always Teaching and Learning, whether this be through Training Days or Twilight sessions during term.
Such sessions allow us to unpack the detail and practice associated with each of Rosenshine’s principles, discuss approaches and share examples of good practice.
CPD sessions in 2022-2023 so far have explored Modelling approaches and Scaffolding; developing schema through knowledge organisers; checking for pupil understanding; revisiting retrieval as daily review; and sequencing topics and small steps.
T&L also runs through wider meetings at The School, however. No matter if this is an SLT meeting, a Middle Managers’ Meeting or a Department Meeting, Teaching and Learning is our core business.