The booklet below is your guide to the process of choosing GCSE Options. You will have the chance to talk to subject teachers at the Year 9 PSTC. We also look forward to seeing you at the Post 14 Options Fair on Thursday 9 January 2025 where you will have the opportunity to meet with subject specialists to discuss the courses in person. In addition to the information provided within this booklet, subject teachers all have the chance to present on their GCSE offer through assemblies, and Mrs Higgins (Academic Head of Year), along with the Year 9 tutors, will support individuals in their decision-making.
The purpose of the booklet is to guide you through the choice of subjects for external examination in Key Stage 4 (Years 10 & 11). We understand the challenge of ensuring that pupils choose courses best-suited to their interests, career aspirations and academic achievements. This is not an easy process, and we aim to support all of you in submitting a set of optional subjects which are in the best interests of your children.
The School aims to offer an academic curriculum which benefits from breadth and variety, whilst ensuring a balance between Science, Humanities, Technology and Modern Foreign Languages, which creates a solid foundation for further academic study in the Sixth Form.
Please could we also emphasise the importance of ensuring that the option choices are submitted to the School by the deadline of Tuesday 21 January 2025.