The King's (The Cathedral) School


Intake Appeals for Year 7 Transfer to Secondary School and Year 3 Transfer to Junior School

If you are appealing because your child was not offered a place at The King’s (The Cathedral) School, you will need to contact the School Registrar to request an Appeals Form, as we are our own admissions authority, where you will state your reasons for the appeal.  The form should be returned to the School Registrar by the date stated (within 20 School days).

At least ten School days before the appeal you will be informed of the date, time and venue by an Independent Appeals Clerk.

If we receive multiple appeals, we will hold an Appeals Group Presentation where we will present The King’s School’s case to all the parents together.  All parents will be given the opportunity to ask general questions, as will the Independent Appeal Panel.  You will be given an individual appointment held in the following days to present your own case to the Independent Appeal Panel. If you cannot attend, or do not wish to attend, the Panel will decide the appeal on the basis of the written information you have supplied.

It is expected that all admission appeals will be virtual appeal hearings only, using Zoom.

Withdrawing an Appeal

An appeal request can be withdrawn at any time before the appeal hearing.  Please contact the School Registrar at