The King’s (The Cathedral) School Junior Department is part of the Cathedral Foundation, and as such can trace its roots back to 1541. We opened to pupils in September 2011 to provide high quality and inspiring education for Key Stage 2 pupils, including the Cathedral Choristers.
Junior Pupils are involved fully as part of the King’s School Family, accessing Full and House Assemblies, the House Music Competition, Cathedral services and Speech Day. Pupils access main School facilities on a daily basis, but retain the benefits of working as a compact team.
There are 15 places in each year from Year 3 up to Year 6, and pupils are taught in two mixed-year group classes.
The curriculum is enhanced by specialist subject teachers from the Main School, who provide education in Music, French, PE and other subjects, as well as by a range of educational visits and experiences designed to complement and contextualise classwork.
Pupils in the Junior Department receive small-group, or one-to-one, support where appropriate. This can involve pre-teaching, catch-up teaching, reinforcing or extending. The Junior Department use Read Write Inc and a fully trained staff member to deliver phonics interventions to pupils where appropriate.
The Christian Values of the King’s School, and the expectation that pupils support one another as part of The King’s School Family, help us maintain a calm and supportive environment in which the children are encouraged to take on responsibilities and enjoy their learning.
The Junior pupils are welcome in School from 8.25am, and the School day finishes at 3.25pm. Over half of our Pupils are Cathedral Choristers and rehearse before and after School most days during the week. We expect our pupils to take lessons in a musical instrument, and the Junior Department has its own internal access to the Music Department.
A rich and varied range of activities are provided to help the children learn effectively, and we encourage you to read more in our latest Gazettes, which are written by two pupils each week from JD2. Current and past editions appear at the bottom of this page.
Pupils take part in sporting activities with other local primary schools and use the regional swimming pool on a regular basis. Extra-curricular Karate/Kickboxing club takes place weekly.
Department Staff
Mr David Ludford: Head of Junior Department and JD2 Teacher
Miss Louise Martin: JD1 Teacher
Mrs Karen Elliott: JD Classroom Assistant
Mrs Paula Jarman-Dunn: JD Classroom Assistant
Newsletter Archive 2024-25
Please note that, in order to keep things tidy, items that pre-date the last-but-one holiday will be removed from this archive.