The purpose of the Association is to provide opportunities for former pupils of the school to meet and keep in touch with one another, as well as with the teaching staff and Governors and to further the interests of the school by giving it every assistance.
- The 2022 edition of the School's end-of-year review publication The Petriburgian has now arrived! We are publishing it for free online this year, in PDF format, which you can download here.
- OPA Constitution
- OPA Child Protection Policy
- OPA Privacy Policy
- Membership and Keeping in Contact
- History of The King's School by Denham Larrett
- Leaving a gift to the School in your will - please see the Support Us pages for details on how to do this
- Paul Faupel
The School is very sad to announce the death of Paul Faupel. Paul was an outstanding English teacher at King’s between 1994 and 2017. Paul joined us from East London and, although quite tentative at first, he very quickly showed the depth of ability and character that made him the excellent classroom practitioner he was. He taught English throughout the School and in the early days some KS3 History and Sixth Form General Studies, too.Over time he built up a particular bond with his colleague, Sue Paine,
in A-Level English Language and Literature. Their erudition and teamwork were outstanding, producing some of the best results in the School, indeed throughout the country.
As a teacher, Paul was kind, gentle, encouraging and empowering, always thoroughly prepared, ready to give time and support to any student in need. His quiet, inspirational style was hugely admired by all his students and colleagues, who saw in him a teacher of real commitment and dedication, ever supportive and ready to share his expertise. He had the uncanny ability of being able pass on his passion for the English language and its literature to his students at every level.
Outside the classroom, Paul was for many years Housemaster of St Chad’s, as well as joining school theatre visits, a Classics trip to Italy and an expedition to Costa Rica.
As a man, Paul never sought the limelight. He was a very private person, modest, humble and understated. His main loves and pastimes were reading and the natural environment. At home he had several greenhouses with a considerable collection of orchids and succulents. He went bird-watching whenever he could; indeed, he travelled the world to follow this hobby, to see flowers, birds, insects and mammals in India, Cambodia, Guatemala and Africa. Closer to home, he loved to walk in Ferry Meadows and Castor Hanglands, and was a keen angler.
Paul had suffered from cancer for some time, and bore his final illness with great dignity. Visiting him in his last days, our discussions always turned to The King’s School; his eyes would light up with joy when he spoke of his time at the School and his memories of the pupils he had taught.
I am in touch with Paul’s family. If any past students or colleagues have any messages or tributes, I would be delighted to pass them on. Trevor Elliott
- Cheryl Broad
Cheryl Broad, a former teacher at King’s, has sadly passed away after a battle with cancer. Cheryl arrived at The King’s School in 1993 as a part-time teacher of History. As her children James, Matthew and Ellen (all educated here at King’s) got older, Cheryl became full-time.
Cheryl then became Head of History, presiding over a team that achieved unprecedented success, establishing History as one of the best performing departments in our School. Her professionalism and effectiveness as a classroom practitioner were acknowledged with her award of Advanced Skills Teacher status, with which she used her experience to help colleagues develop their own practice. For many years, Cheryl was Head of St Peter’s House and throughout this time she also served as a form tutor. It may be fitting that St Peter’s won House Music this year, perhaps in honour of such a wonderful lady.
As our School expanded, Cheryl was appointed to the position of Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for Key Stage 4 as well as various other responsibilities, a position that she fulfilled with great aplomb. All of us that have been privileged to work with her were awestruck by her ability to tell the wood from the trees, to deal with students fairly but compassionately and to significantly contribute to the strategic planning of our future.
Our thoughts and prayers are with her family at this difficult time. Helen Birch
Dates for your Diary and Forthcoming Events
- AGM 2024 & Committee Meeting - Tuesday 27 February 2024 from 6pm
- Annual Reunion at the Brewery Tap - Friday 27 December 2024
- Basil Dean, 1924-2020 - Obituary
- Nigel George
Nigel was Head of the Music Department between 1954 and 1970, before leaving to teach at St Felix' School at Southwold in Suffolk. He died in January 2021 from complications associated with Covid-19 at a care home in Norfolk, aged 90. His family has set up a memorial website, should any older Old Petriburgians who remember him wish to send their condolences: - Maureen Lloyd
Maureen joined the School from Westwood House School in time for the start of the co-educational comprehensive KSP in September 1976. She set up the new Home Economics department, which included Food and Nutrition, Needlework and Child Care courses. She and her department were so successful that in 1989 she was recruited to the Cambridgeshire Advisory Service, overseeing her areas of Technology throughout the County. Today’s more modern layout of the Food rooms was designed and set up by Maureen. She died following a short stay in Peterborough Hospital in January 2021, aged 88. - Heather Diggle
Heather taught English, including Literature, to A-Level, and was responsible for introducing Drama to the School as an academic subject at GCSE and Theatre Studies at A-Level. Serving between 1990 and 2001, she was a vivacious personality, who demanded high standards in both academic work, and in the many high-quality drama productions, which she directed. She died in late 2020 at the Royal Papworth Hospital, at the age of 79. - AGM Minutes. 21 February 2023
- AGM Minutes, 22 February 2022
- AGM Minutes, 20 April 2021
- AGM Minutes, 25 February 2020
- Annual Reunion at the Brewery Tap, 27 December 2019 Attendees + Pictures
- OPA Hockey Festival Report, 06 July 2019 + Pictures
- OPA Noticeboard - May 2019
- Annual Reunion at the Brewery Tap, 27 December 2018 Attendees + Pictures
- OPA Noticeboard - December 2018
- Peterborough Beer Festival 2018 OPA Attendees + Pictures
- OPA Noticeboard 2017-18
- Annual Reunion at the Brewery Tap, 27 December 2017 Attendees + Pictures
- Peterborough Beer Festival 2017 OPA Attendees + Pictures
President: John Harrison
Chairman: Chris Dunn
Vice Chairman: Trevor Elliott
Secretary: Heather Biccarino
Treasurer: Trevor Elliott
Media Officer: Chris Dunn
Honorary Vice-Presidents
Michael Barcroft
Gary Longman
Darren Ayling
Alison Amps (Staff)
Sarah Davies (née Mahoney)
Louise Laprun
Mark Ruffles
Langford Smith
Ian Snowdon
Lucy Willis (Staff)
Nicky Key (OPA Administrator) -
OPA Official Merchandise
OPA Tie - £10
OPA Cufflinks - £10 + p&p
History of the School by Denham Larrett - £15.50 + £4.50p&p
Prints of The King's School - £5
Pin Badges - £5
Watercolour Prints - £8
For more information about membership and merchandise, please contact the OPA Administrator.