The King's (The Cathedral) School


The Sixth Form Tutor Programme at King's

Weekly Guide


Whole School Assembly (Year 12)
Year 13 Form Group Assembly (3 min)

Year 13 Catch up on UCAS/Destinations in form - Discussions of intentions & progress. [Please discuss your Post-18 Applications, UCAS Progress, Appointments with the UCAS Adviser or Apprenticeships of Gap Year plans, if this is relevant to you]


Year 12 Form Group Assembly (3 min)
Year 13 Year Group Assembly (Common Room)


House Assembly (Everyone)


Year 12 Year Group Assembly (Common Room)
Year 13 Form Group Assembly (3 min)
Year 13 Current Affairs Quiz


Whole School Assembly (Year 13)
Year 12 Form Group Assembly (3 min)
Year 12 Current Affairs Quiz

3 Minute Short Assemblies in Forms

  •  Students should deliver a short assembly with a prayer whenever there is a tutor time

  • A rota showing dates, themes and responsibilities should be displayed on the form board

  • We have high expectations on content and presentation quality. Embed your videos, and make it look professional. 

Current Affairs Quiz

Each week a Current Affairs quiz will be delivered in Tutor Time. Our objective is to widen your knowledge of current affairs and stimulate discussion on things that are happening in the world.

Autumn Term Year 12

Week 1 - Welcome to Kings

In the first few weeks we hope that you settle well into your chosen subjects. We expect you to have a continuous dialogue with your Tutor to ensure that you are on the right course.

Week 2 - Small Group Mentoring

In form time students look at Small Group Mentoring, looking at 6th Form Life, clubs, extracurricular activities, making friends, managing workload & knowing where to get help.

Week 3 - Login to Unifrog

You should by now have an email to login to Unifrog. You should use your school email address and create a password.

Week 4 - Developing Your Study Skills

We strongly encourage you to complete the online course above in your first few weeks at Kings. To be really successful at A-Level you will need a few more skills than you have gained from GCSE. (Online Course)

Week 5 - CV & Linkedin

Following your LFL Meetings to look at your target grades, fill in the Target Setting Document on the Target Setting Page, and save it in your personal area

Week 6 - Check your Folders

We will be looking to ensure that students keep their files in order, link their learning to the curriculum, and know where to find the specifications. Show your organisation to your form tutor, talk about how it's going.

October Half Term

Week 7 - Super Curricular

By now you should have identified some MOOC Courses or some online learning that you need to do. Write a plan, or a list of what you are looking at, and discuss this with your tutor.

Week 8 - Target Setting

You will be given your Flight Path grades in Learning for life, and set your own personal targets which can be stated in the Unifrog platform. Discuss these with your tutor and reflect on the feasibility of your plans.

Week 9 - Preparing for the PPTC

In the first few weeks we hope that you settle well into your chosen subjects. We expect you to have a continuous dialog with your Tutor to ensure that you are on the right course

Week 10 - Reflecting from the PPTC

Following the Y12 PPTC reflect upon your grades and progress within the Target Setting document. You may wish to include any comments that your teachers made, and any of your own thoughts as well. You may wish to set yourself some targets, which may involve achieving a certain grade on any assessments you have to complete.

Week 11 - Work Experience Planning

In July you will be required to complete a week of work experience, which you have to organise! Talk through your plans with your tutor, discuss whether your plans support your future, and what are the transferrable skills?

Week 12 - Those around you

It is vital that you reflect upon your plans for having a positive break. Share your plans for what you intend to do with your siblings, friends and parents, and how you plan to do good things for those around you. We would also encourage some festive treats to be shared in form!

Year 13 Tutor Time Activities

September - UCAS Predictions

You will receive your final UCAS Predictions in September

Preparing for University Online Course

Just as you completed the first course in this programme at the very beginning of Y12, by completing this online course you will begin to make the next steps required for engaging in undergraduate study.

Live Smart Online Course

Are you ready to manage at University or as an Apprentice on your own. This course will help you to consider some of the things that you will have to manage when you go to University

Useful Apps for Students

Self Control App - use this app to block any nominated website for any period of time!

Cold Turkey - similar app to Self Contol, you can use this app to block particular websites and apps

Instagrok - a really useful mind mapping piece of software

Wunderlist - a really good app for making lists of things to do; use this to organise your homework.

Dropbox - This is really good! From the app you can scan notes to save them as pdf direct, and organise them in a folder system