At The King’s (The Cathedral) School we nurture a sense of belonging to our extended family, each member being an individual.
The King's (The Cathedral) School is proud of its status within the community and in particular with its links with Peterborough Cathedral. Kings was founded by Henry VIII in 1541 as the Cathedral School, to educate the Cathedral choristers and this close link with the Cathedral is still valued and maintained today.
The whole school attends Cathedral Services several times a year to mark important church festivals or school events, such as Speech Day and Prizegiving, and the Leavers' Service. There are Voluntary Eucharists held in school each month.
Details of the Cathedral's services to the general public can also be found on the Peterborough Cathedral website.
The Old Petriburgians' Association
All former pupils and current and past members of staff are members of the OPA, which organises social events in Peterborough, London and Cambridge, as well as supporting the School actively in many ways, often financially.
The King's Friends
All parents and staff are automatically members of the King's Friends, which organises formal events and social occasions for the school as well as supporting sporting events and fund raising.